An Introduction to All 27 Enneagram Subtypes (Instinctual Variants) Using Character Examples - Part 1
Part 1 of 6
Hi everyone, Hellowally here! You might be already familiar with my MBTI/cognitive functions guide here: . Today, I plan to finally post a hopefully easy, helpful guide for all 27 enneagram subtypes (i.e., 9 core types with 3 subtypes each). This guide will primarily use character examples (over 860 total) from animation and webcomics that I feel showcase these enneagram subtypes in-depth. This is a project I have been steadily working on for 2.5 years, and I finally feel it’s at a place I can share with you all. As this will be the longest series of posts I have ever created on Reddit, I will break these posts up into several parts. I will also share a table of contents to help with navigation.
[Part 1: (A Guide to This Guide - A (Long) Word on “Contradictions”)]
Part 2: (Caveats/Characters I am Unsure About - Enneagram 1 Subtypes):
Part 3: (Enneagram 2 Subtypes - Enneagram 4 Subtypes):
Part 4: (Enneagram 5 Subtypes - Enneagram 6 Subtypes):
Part 5: (Enneagram 7 Subtypes - Enneagram 8 Subtypes):
Part 6: (Enneagram 9 Subtypes - Final Words and Thoughts):
********//// OVERVIEW ///////***********
[Table of Contents]:
A Guide to This Guide (PART 1)
Purpose | How to use this guide | Important Abbreviations (Please Read) | Where are you getting your information from? | Methods | List of Resources | If You Disagree
A (Long) Word on “Contradictions”
Caveats/Characters I am Unsure About (PART 2)
My Biases | Common Biases of Other People | Unsure Enneatypes | Unsure MBTI Types
The Basics
Instinctual Variants | Triads | Core Type | Wings | Vices/Passions | Countertypes | Integration and Disintegration
Enneagram 1 Subtypes
Enneagram 2 Subtypes (PART 3)
Enneagram 3 Subtypes
Enneagram 4 Subtypes
Enneagram 5 Subtypes (PART 4)
Enneagram 6 Subtypes
Enneagram 7 Subtypes (PART 5)
Enneagram 8 Subtypes
Enneagram 9 Subtypes (PART 6)
Character Examples Organized By MBTI
Final Words and Thoughts
********//// A GUIDE TO THIS GUIDE ///////***********
[Purpose]: The purpose of this guide is to help people learn and become familiar with the patterns/characteristics of each of the 27 enneagram subtypes. This guide is also meant to help protect people from the vast misinformation floating around regarding enneagram (e.g., a major example being the notion of “contradictions” between typology systems like enneagram and MBTI). The more knowledge you have of the different types, the less likely you are to be led astray, be gaslit into believing that you are mistyped just because you have a unique combination, or make common mistakes when typing yourself or others.
[How to use this guide]: The easiest way in my opinion (imo) to understand the enneagram subtypes is to see and explore visual examples. This will be primarily done using my preferred mediums of entertainment: anime, manga, webcomics, donghua, and occasionally Western animation. There are 9 core enneatypes, each with three instinctual variants: self-preservation (sp), sexual (sx), and social (so). This leads to a total of 27 subtypes. Characters whose motivations are explored in-depth will be used as examples to illustrate these subtypes. Please note that this guide contains both healthy and unhealthy examples of each enneagram subtype, as well as both male and female examples of each subtype. I tried to include as many character archetypes/tropes as possible and prioritized main characters/protagonists > side characters.
I have made a list of examples using the website Personality Database (PDB). For each subtype, I will share the list of characters and their respective series. I have also made (or collected) arguments for over 250 characters in the collection “Enneagram Arguments” (which you can see here: )
Note: Please note there are over 860 characters in this guide, but at the date I am sharing this guide there are only about 250 arguments in “Enneagram Arguments.”
My recommendation is to do the following: 1. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of “Enneagram Arguments”
2) Press “Ctrl” and “F” at the same time on your keyboard
3) Type in the character’s name from my list to find their respective argument
4) If no arguments are found, then that means I have yet to create or add an argument for that character. I will continue adding arguments over time, so be on the lookout.
If you don’t see a character I have listed in this guide in their respective linked enneagram subtype collection/list, then please check to see if they are in the “More Enneagram Examples” list, which you can find here:
The “*” symbol indicates the character is a textbook example of the subtype. This means that the character matches the summary, definitions, and trait structure of the enneatype as listed in the respective PDB Wiki page (see “List of References” section of this guide) particularly well. This unfortunately also means that more negatively worded descriptions (apologies in advance to sx 1s, sx 4s, etc) will have unhealthier textbook examples.
Note 1: I have “Hellowally phrases” to help remember some points about each enneatype. However, please note that these phrases are based on the characters in the collection, *so they are overly dramatized.* Also, please note that absolutely no offense was meant in the making of any of these phrases.
Note 2: I’ve also added some clips and songs I think could help describe each subtype. Please note that the songs/clips may actually not relate to everyone who has this subtype (and perhaps in some cases they might actually miss the mark). It’s more of a fun little bonus that I did not spend as much time on as I did on the characters. Definitely share if you feel they aren’t accurate and perhaps share a more accurate song, and I’ll try to edit it.
Note 3: Finally, please note that while I have attempted to determine each character’s MBTI in addition to their enneagram, because MBTI is not the priority of this guide, I am comfortable leaving an “xxxx” to denote I have not yet determined a character’s MBTI. Over time, I may change this to the MBTI I believe the character is.
[Important Abbreviations - PLEASE READ]: Abbreviations in this guide were used for several reasons. One reason is that Personality Database (PDB) has a maximum character limit for each of their collection boxes to which I add the character examples. Another is that not all works mentioned in this guide are appropriate for younger audiences (Note: Think of animation as a medium, like television, rather than a genre; you can read about the common demographics of manga/anime here: ). Some of these works contain explicit content and are NSFW. I added these works solely because I felt they explored a particular character/enneatype well. Here are the most important abbreviations you need to know:
{S} - Suggestive content - The work contains nudity, implied sexual scenes, strong language, or other sensitive content (Note: fight scenes/action is not a criteria to be listed as suggestive content). I will be using this abbreviation liberally, as I expect there will be some people who are not used to the mediums featured in this guide.
[M] - Mature content - This work contains explicit sexual and/or other adult material. Works containing gore will also be placed in this category. These works should not be viewed by younger audiences.
(+) - LGBT+ content - This work features or contains discussions regarding LGBT content. For simplicity (even if not accurate), works featuring crossdressing will also be placed under this category.
[Note: (~+) means it’s not officially stated but heavily implied. I tried not using this often because I don’t want to project my interpretation onto the work. I think I only used it for one series I believe. If the a character/work *could* reasonably be interpreted as not falling into this category, I did not use this label]
* - Textbook example - this indicates a character is a textbook example for an enneagram subtype. Meaning that the character matches the trait structure and definitions extremely well. Note: This symbol will mainly be seen in the linked PDB collections.
(H) - this is used in the Common Mistypes section and indicates “High” (i.e., there are a high amount of mistypes with this type)
Enneatype abbreviations: so - social | sp - self-preservation | sx - sexual
Title abbreviations (due to maximum word/character count constraints on PDB):
ATLA - Avatar the Last Airbender
CSM - Chainsaw Man
COTE - Classroom of the Elite (aka Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou no Kyoushitsu)
DBZ = Dragon Ball franchise
HxH - Hunter x Hunter
JJK - Jujitsu Kaisen
KnY - Kimetsu no Yaiba (aka Demon Slayer)
MHA - My Hero Academia
[Where are you getting your information from?]: Despite Personality Database (PDB) being a toxic website imo, the PDB Wiki has excerpts from various enneagram authors. They are direct excerpts from enneagram books and together help paint a great picture for each of the enneagram subtypes (albeit the pages are a bit long for beginners).
[Methods for typing]:
The one thing I aim to have in this guide (besides accuracy) is consistency. Hence, my method for typing characters is as follows:
For typing a character’s MBTI, I consistently use this guide I created for each of the 8 cognitive functions: .
If I didn’t have a character in mind already, I searched for a particular enneatype on the Personality Database (PDB) website. For instance, I would type “4w5” or “sp/so 4w5” in the search bar. I would then filter for “Anime & Manga” or “Webcomics” characters.
If I wasn’t already previously certain about a character’s enneatype, I took the time to read or re-read the story with said character. I then compared the character’s motivations and quotes to both the definitions and trait structure of the enneagram subtype of interest. If the character did not match the subtype description, I considered several others and repeated the process.
Definitions were prioritized over trait structure. However, if a character did not meet at least half of the characteristics listed in the trait structure, other enneatypes were considered just in case. In a nutshell, the priority of characterization is as follows: subtype definitions > subtype trait structure > integration and disintegration > wing > tritype (Note: obviously enneagram core description was highly prioritized as well)
Optional: Reading enneagram arguments by other PDB users was only considered if I was on the fence between two or more enneagram subtypes
Repeat for all characters.
[List of resources]: While I will be linking the PDB Wiki links again when describing each subtype, I will share the basic template link for each here as well.
Self-preservation subtypes (Note: this link will not work on its own. Simply replace “X” after “self-preservation-” with a number 1-9):
Sexual subtypes (Replace “X” after “sexual-” with a number 1-9):
Social subtypes (Replace “X” after “social-” with a number 1-9):
For core type pages (1-9), you can refer to the following:
If you feel the PDB wiki is too long or overwhelming, then an easier website to digest information is the following (Simply replace “X” after “enneagram-type-” with a number 1-9):
For an introduction to each passion/vice associated with each core type, the website Truity has a simple guide to each one using simple, everyday language:
Additionally, here are the links to my enneagram character examples for easy access:
Enneagram arguments:
E1 subtypes:
E2 (part 1) subtypes:
E2 (part 2) subtypes:
E3 subtypes:
E4 subtypes:
E5 subtypes:
E6 subtypes:
E7 (part 1) subtypes:
E7 (part 2) subtypes:
E8 subtypes:
E9 subtypes:
More Enneagram Examples:
[If You Disagree]:
I realize we all can be passionate about typology/typing characters. I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect. However, as I have spent a significant time typing these characters and justifying my thought process, I ask you to do somewhat the same if you disagree. If you think a particular typing is incorrect (i.e., given that you watched or read the series the character is a part of), then please do the following steps:
Read the section of this guide titled: “A (Long) Word On ‘Contradictions’”
(Optional) Check my guide to MBTI here to see how I am determining the cognitive functions: .
Check to see if I have an argument for the character listed in “Enneagram Arguments,” which you can access here:
Fully read the enneatype and trait structure I have typed the character as.
Fully read the enneatype and trait structure you are considering.
Compare the character to the textbook examples of the enneatype I have the character listed as.
Compare the character to the textbook examples of the type you are considering.
(Optional) Compare the character to other examples of the enneatype I have the character listed as.
(Optional) Compare the character to other examples of the enneatype you are considering.
Once you have gone through these steps and feel your enneatype choice is still better, I am more than happy to read your argument or thoughts of why they should be a different enneatype.
********//// A (LONG) WORD ON “CONTRADICTIONS” ///////***********
Note: This section has to do with the concept of contradictions and is completely optional.
A “contradiction” is the belief that if you are a certain type in one typology system (e.g., enneagram), then it is impossible for you to be a particular type in another system (e.g., MBTI). For example, some people may claim, “you can’t be an INFP and an enneagram 9, that’s impossible!” Despite the rise in the belief of “contradictions” on PDB and other niche personality forums, there is actually more evidence *against* contradictions than for.
Most enneagram authors/founders of typology systems have actually publicly denounced contradictions between enneagram and other typology systems. Several of these authors have stated that they have “contradictory” combinations themselves. Additionally, while Naranjo attempted to correlate enneagram and MBTI, he never stated that a particular MBTI “contradicts” a particular enneagram type. Furthermore, Naranjo has typed famous individuals with well-known MBTI types as a “contradictory” enneatype himself. Here is proof for my claims:
• Beatrice Chestnut (ENFP sp 2) & Uranio Paes (ENTP so 5) denouncing contradictions and 1:1 correlations:
(timestamp 15:30)
• Katherine Fauvre (founder of tritypes and directly studied under Naranjo) (ENTP sx 8):
(timestamp 26:10, see PPT where she says even unlikely combos still exist).
• Naranjo workshop, where he's typed a couple of famous people with known MBTIs as a enneatypes thought to be contradictions (example Socrates and Karl Marx as so 8s):
(timestamp 25:33). Naranjo has also typed non-Se doms like Martin Luther King Jr. and Fidel Castro as so 8s as well.
• Also, Attitudinal Psyche founder Rob Collopy also discourages contradictions:
If you've ever taken a basic statistics course, you've probably heard the phrase, "correlations =/= causation." In the same vein, correlations cannot = contradictions. Just because Naranjo attempted to correlate MBTI and enneagram does not mean there are contradictions between systems. Naranjo also correlated INTJ with E7 and ISTJ with E5, but we rarely hear about that now do we?
What contradictionists are doing is the same thing as what 16 personalities does with their tests. 16 personalities does not use cognitive functions for their tests, rather they *correlate* MBTI from their test answers with another personality test called Big 5 (proof: ; see "Our approach" section). This leads to inaccuracies and is a major reason why 16 personalities is not seen as credible to many personality hobbyists. And yet contradictionists attempt to do the same thing with MBTI and enneagram as well as other systems. Contradictions are a myth and they are not reliable.
If you push a contradictionist enough, the argument will typically end in one of three ways:
(1) The contradictionist will admit that they believe in contradictions solely based on their own, personal “reading comprehension” despite no reputable enneagram author backing them.
(2) The contradictionist will try to say the reputable enneagram authors just made a “mistake” and imply that they are somehow superior in knowledge about enneagram than said authors.
(3) The contradictionist will try to lower the credibility of one of the founders/authors I listed (e.g., “Fauvre isn’t reliably anyway”, “I don’t like Chestnut, people should stick to Naranjo”, “PY is better an superior to AP anyway!”) However, please note that when you push them to come up with a reputable enneagram author who supports contradictions, they will usually come up with nothing or try to imply that Naranjo stated that contradictions exist (which he NEVER did).
Additionally, because contradictionists all believe in contradictions because of their own, personal interpretations of MBTI and enneagram without regard to the different contexts of MBTI and enneagram, contradictionists often contradict one another. Some contradictionists claim “Ni-doms can’t be E8, they must be sx1s!”, while others claim “Ni-doms can’t be E1s!” Likewise, some contradictionists might claim “ENFJs can’t be E7!” while others might say, “well I believe ENFJs can be E7; we all have different interpretations (but you should still listen to us!)” I have even read comments along the lines of: “There are conversations in the community (i.e., PDB users and other personality forums) whether Ni-doms can be E7!” Despite INTJ and E7 being one of the correlations Naranjo originally made.
Moreover, contradictions are not even supported by the trait structure of certain enneatypes. Here are some common “contradictions” and literal traits from said types trait structure that debunk said “contradiction”:
Contradiction Claim: “Fi-doms can’t be E9”
Under the sp 9 trait structure:
{Unconventional} - “Is not deliberately transgressive of social rules and authority, and **at the same time it is not a problem for him to go against social conventions and moral rules.** **It is difficult for him to take into account the roles, because he does not know how to move in formality.** This makes him appear aggressive and self-confident, when in reality it is a failure to recognize, first of all to himself, the possibility of having a role and being able to protect himself through it."
Under the sx 9 trait structure:
{Pedantic} - “**Has an opinion that he firmly believes, and sometimes expresses it forcefully even if he hasn't been asked**, extemporaneously. He is so convinced that he has carefully and correctly analyzed the problem that he makes absolute certainty about it, even though he is spectacularly wrong. The desire to assert himself is not connected with an integrated construction of his opinion."
{Above authority} - “**Either he considers it worthy of respect or he does not recognize it.** This aspect is very evident from an early age, when faced with a teacher or parent who has not earned his respect, **He does what he considers most fair, does not listen to authority and acts on his own behalf.** **He makes a judgment and appraisal according to wholly personal criteria of that person's merit and ability to perform that role, and then acts accordingly.** But this force to go against authority does not come from the feeling of entitlement. Rather, it is an action driven by defending another or by one's own survival, an acting out by which the experience of low self-esteem can be skipped."
{Mediator and Peacemaker} - “Not only does he not like to be involved in arguments and conflicts, he does not even tolerate witnessing them. **He is stronger than it: when there is an argument, he compulsively triggers the need to placate and fix the situation.** **He gets in the way without even assessing whether he is in a position to sustain the mediation.** The imperative is to quickly regain calm and peace. He doesn't take anyone's side but he manages to assert everyone's reasons and, sometimes without even knowing how he does it, he always manages to achieve his goal. The sexual E9 empathetically and exaggeratedly feels the pain present in the conflict. The suffering is unbearable for him, he feels the unresolved internal conflicts resonate and so that these do not take priority (understood as the resolution of his internal conflict), he immediately acts on the external world. This terror of conflict often has autobiographical resonances. He is willing to avoid it at all costs because in his childhood the overt conflicts had devastating consequences for him."
Yet, you don't see people going, "Fe users can't be E9s!" Because Fi and Fe are ethics functions and have a different context than what is mentioned in enneagram.
Contradiction Claim: “Ne-users can’t be E9”
Under the sp 9 trait structure:
{Positive in imagination} - Reading love stories and watching romantic comedies or dramas replace the love that does not live; it is as if he lived the life of others and was already satisfied seeing that they are happy even though he is not; that gives him the possibility of thinking that although he lacks love today, then someday it will be possible.
{Imaginative} - **Not knowing how to live in reality, he seeks escape routes.** He is under the illusion that his kingdom is not of this world and that he can live in another. In his childhood escape from reality instead of facing it, he lives the experience better with his eyes closed, with sensations that lead to another dimension instead of living in the present. He despises his own abilities: “I am not up to this world,” with victimhood: “no one understands me.” He does not feel of this world, but with nostalgia for another dimension where there is only harmony. Reality is never completely acceptable to the conservation E9, which spends a lot of energy coloring it without actually transforming it. You can endure a lot, standing firm and imagining, at the same time, that you revolutionize the world. Resisting real change requires a lot of mental work and abdominal control; hence, one day it may happen that, not having made small and substantial changes, it explodes like a pressure cooker and acts without thinking, sweeping away everything."
These traits do not contradict Ne. Additionally, Ne =/= daydreaming, it is more akin to divergent thinking. Furthermore. Additionally, Ne and Si are on the same axis. If you prefer Ne, you also prefer Si and vice versa. It doesn't make sense that an Si user would be able to do something that an Ne user couldn't and vice versa (even if it's not their dominant preference).
Contradiction Claim: “Ne-doms can’t be E2”
Under the sp 2 trait structure:
[Fantasizer] - Many conservation E2s read avidly since they were children, seeking to feed their emotions. Claudio defines them in his workshops as constrained adventurers, that is, they long to feel free and to travel and to be able to do and undo and, failing that, they read. Above all, they read novels that allow them to break taboos, which they assume “bind” them. **They feel that their reality is too narrow, and in fantasy they achieve things they would not otherwise achieve.**
Contradiction Claim: “Fe-users can’t be E4”
Under the sp 4 trait structure:
{Difficulty confronting and Unclear on divergent expression}- **Difficulty clearly expressing a divergent and contrary position, especially if the majority thinks differently.** Internally, it remains in a different position that hardly has the courage to declare, such is the fear of marginalization or confrontation.
{Caregiver of others, Helpful, and Welcoming} - “The conservation E4 lives the relationship with others, friends and family with a great spirit of service and care. In this approach he finds fulfillment, a sense of worth, and a practical way to express love. He cares for others both materially and emotionally, though often risking taking on more than is necessary. **In service he finds an identity, a place that makes him worthwhile and allows belonging.**”
{Resource finder and Decisive creativity} - **It is the ability to find solutions creatively, especially when they are needed for issues that concern others and not oneself.** Specifically, creativity is expressed in the will to find possibilities through the omnipotent attitude of overcoming obstacles, of seeing alternative paths, of not giving up despite the difficulties.
{Compelling enthusiasm} - **This is even more evident when it comes to supporting the other person to regain their energy and will to live, to transform and believe more in themselves.** With a visceral desire for harmony and beauty, he manages to communicate that achieving a state of integration is possible. This stems from her own need, but also from a deep insight that healing (not perfection!) is a possible reality. Finally, he knows how to convey the idea that everyone has value, precisely because it is a need that he has always felt. These attitudes make you a good therapist, should you enter this profession.
Under the so 4 trait structure:
{Gentle} - He is always kind, expresses himself in soft ways and approaches, as he wants to avoid conflicts and losses. **Use kindness to please the other, try to avoid behaviors that can provoke or irritate.** She has learned to stand on her toes in the world, to try to prevent or avoid the parent's mood swings or attacks, and thus has learned since childhood that this soft way is what works best for her in the relationship.
{Silence} - It is silent, it tends not to make noise, not to be noticed, not to bother. **To be accepted, one must not disturb the other, not disturb one's own mother, and for this reason, as an adult, one tends to be silent, not to interfere with the atmosphere of the environment, not to be seen by the other.**
{Altruistic and Helpful} - Being helpful and helping arises in the subject from the idea that love must be deserved, that it is not free. He has learned that in order to be loved, he must earn that love in some way and that is why, **when something is asked of him, he spontaneously puts himself at the service of the other person.** In addition, he has experienced the feeling of need and, therefore, it is as if he somehow knows from within the feeling of the one who needs help, and being clearly empathetic, it is automatic for him to go to the other. Finally, we must add to tell him that he finds it difficult not to do someone's request. Backing away makes him uncomfortable; when he does, he feels that he is in danger of losing something, perhaps of losing the other person or of being abandoned.
Again, Fe does not necessarily mean being kind, caring, or selfless, but these traits do not “contradict” Fe, and they are definitely not exclusive to Fi-users either.
Contradiction Claim: “Only Se-doms can be E8s!"
Not even considering the fact that Naranjo typed plenty of non-Se dom's as E8s, not even considering the fact that Katherine Fauvre herself is an ENTP sx 8, I want to set the record straight about this. People assume that "anti-intellectualism" and "anti-abstraction" = anti-Ne/Ni, this is FALSE. Here is the actual context those words are used:
"They are in fact anti-intellectual characters, **which is not to say that they are unintelligent, but that they rebel against the intellectuality of institution and abstain from abstraction or mental obscuration.** This rebellion against intellectuality may include institutions such as schools, government, tradition, and so on, which can all fall under the category of "intellectual," and this altogether conveys the idea that the E8 **rebels against symbols of fatherhood, which is the person they often fight against in childhood, because fatherhood represents not only intellectual institution but also authoritarianism and impulse-control.** However, the E8 is not often plagued by enduring complexes other than their dominating ego-cycle, they are realistic and immediate in their decisions."
Which basically just means E8s tend to act before they think and fight against the patriarchy/institutions that remind them of "the father" and attempt to control them. Ne also as I stated before is simply divergent thinking/loose tangential relationships. Ni is simply convergent thinking. You can be an Ne/Ni user or etc and have a tendency to focus on action, as well as be against control. You can also be an Ne-user and not be into conjecture/abstraction, because Ne is simply a perceiving function.
I could go on and on, but I think you get my point. Contradictions are a myth. If you are wondering if you have an uncommon/rare enneatype-MBTI combination, then it is fine to check if you have a more common one first, but feel empowered to stand against those who say your combination “can’t exist” because those arguments are based on false premises.